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Scaredy Boys

Scaredy Boys
The cover art for the podcast Scaredy Boys

A podcast where three cowardly friends force themselves to watch horror movies so you don’t have to. Each episode our co-hosts give a writers/cowards perspective on the movie and look at how would they have done in the circumstances (spoiler: bad)


Scardy Boys Patreon

Scaredy Boys Patreon

The cover art for the podcast Scaredy Boys Patreon

On the Scaredy Boys patreon you'll get access to a whole lot of beautiful bonus episodes including Scaredy Stories, Chasers, Q&As, Hammer Time, Scaredy Boys Book Club, and plenty others. You'll also get exclusive access to our twice monthly Small Screen Scares podcast where we watch and review horror tv, as well as monthly episodes of Eye Cramps, a movie podcast featuring all of us and Joel Duscher, and monthly RPG episodes where we'll be led through a bunch of spooky campaigns. Finally, you'll also be able to listen to all our regular episodes ad free. That's a whole lot of beef.

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Stray Thoughts

Stray Thoughts (formally Short Tales)

The cover art for the podcast Stray Thoughts

A place for cobbling together some stray thoughts into unrefined audio essays, all written and read by me, Damian Robb. I expect they’ll be messy but meaningful, and ultimately just a way for me to talk to you and myself and share some thoughts, updates, and occasionally a story or two.

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